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We are here to show what we have created...
we strive to create unique and high terpene profiles cannabinoind cultivars aid for medical issues helps healing creates love
ABOUT SEATTLE CHRONIC SEEDS: This company was formed to bring Terpene-rich, Eclectic Cannabinoids and High Potency seeds/cultivars to the masses. My specific approach to Cannabis is for Medicinal uses. I try to create unique terpene profiles and cannabinoid rich plants that assist with all types of conditions. Using Organic, KNF derived principles (aka Korean Natural Farming) and JADAM methodologies all of the plants I use have undergone rigorous amounts of testing prior to breeding. All cultivars are stress-tested and put through the ringer to ensure they can withstand a variety of common issues that most growers face. After growing out each cultivar in numerous amounts, I can record and log all information to better each chemovar that passes my standards. Lab testing helps record and log the levels of cannabinoids and terpenes available in the cultivar.
My background has led me to growing Cannabis through all mediums and has helped me to achieve a better way of life through the plant. This led me to dedicating my life to the plant and searching for the highest grade cultivars I can find and breed. This gives me a better understanding of what works and has given me the drive to assist others with a better quality of life through Cannabis. Thank you for taking the time to grow my seeds!